Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ann Voskamp

"All is grace."

I loved Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts. I even subscribed to her blog, which is really saying something, since I don't usually like to remain committed to emails of that nature. However, her words are continually encouraging, equipping, and convicting, and I truly appreciate her honesty as well as the subjects which she explores. Last night, I started re-reading the book since I now have my own copy and can mark in it, which of course makes a huge difference--haha.

There is no way to "sum up" her book in this blog post, and I don't even want to attempt. However, these three words stuck out to me over the course of reading. All is grace. God is working in such a way that every joy, sorrow, trial, pain, smile, tear, friendship, circumstance, conversation, opportunity, moment is His GRACE to me. The seeming contradiction of it--trials and pain are GRACE--is what I love. Yet, is not that how Christianity operates, on contradictions?

Life out of death, fullness from emptying, wholeness from brokenness, choosing sin over perfection, requirement of blood to cleanse, justice and mercy at the cross, temporary affecting eternal. All such strange concepts and many seeming contradictions. Yet, the ultimate truth, the one we celebrate on Easter, is a contradiction. Jesus died to bring me life. It simply doesn't make sense in human terms.

Consequently, neither does all is grace. And yet, that is the beauty of it, that God is weaving a tapestry of my life, a tapestry whereby His name can be exalted. One in which He is conforming me to the likeness of His Son. Where all things, whether joy or sorrow, are to lead me closer to the feet of Jesus, that I could experience His presence and walk away changed to reflect His beauty. His grace.

Even now, even in trial, God is extending grace to me. And in that, I can find great joy.